Fostering Self Responsibility and Social Responsibility

in Young People in the Entertainment Industry

An Idea Under Development

This is an idea that came to me from having observed my daughter and her show biz friends navigating their way through adolescence - and seeing how the questionable lifestyle choices that put young people of all walks of life at risk might weigh heavier on kids in the business.

Through the past 35 years, I've worked with children, teens, and young people as a psychotherapist, then went on to teach emotional intelligence skills to those same populations. Now that I'm exposed to young actors, I'm seeing more kids who are "growing up" faster than their level of maturity can handle. I also see a few instances of kids here having parents who are well-intended but insufficiently grounded in stewarding their children to make self-empowering rather than potentially self-destructive choices. On the other hand, I'm inspired by the integrity of some young actors and of their parents' wisdom. My attention goes to exploring what the factors are that will lead young actors to either being or avoiding being the next young celebrity tabloid scandals or mainstream news tragedies, especially when their high profile puts them in positions of setting examples to inspire the rest of the world.

Beyond the critically important role parents play, what I'm thinking about is creating a means through which veteran actors can help younger actors foster an understanding of self-responsibility as it relates to young people in the public eye. In terms of the industry, it is the adult actors who I'd like to adopt a sense of social responsibility for all ages within their ranks to be positive role models to the public, or at the least to not be negative ones.

I'm currently exploring - with young actors, their parents, and veteran actors - if there is sufficient interest in creating a means through which the sort of relationship I'm talking about can be formally facilitated between veteran actors and younger ones (eg, a mentor program, one or more moderated panel discussions, ongoing class offerings, ongoing group, etc.).

My goal is to inspire the acting profession to embrace the opportunity in social responsibility that comes with their high profile, and to consciously view the concerns of its own youth as one of the key issues or causes worth being committed to.

If you'd like to explore this idea with me, share your perspective, or give me any feedback or direction, please contact me at